We need your help! To keep the dojo
operating smoothly, there are many things that need to
be done. These are some of the tasks that we need
done. If you have an interest in any of these, please
contact us.
- Curriculum: Miho Lloyd, Lisa Ernst, Kerrick
Murray, Matt Pettit
- Website:
- Global and community interactions
- Demos and special events: handle seminars and
demonstrations from community requests, etc. :
- PR and membership: handle new members,
- Supplies: medical supplies, dogi and weapon
orders, any PR fund raising such as calendars and
T-shirts for sale: Kerrick Murray
- Custodial: cleaning supplies and once or twice a
year steam cleaning
- Location search: the board
Currently the Board of Directors are:
- Miho Lloyd, dojo cho, 449-3407
- Lisa Ernst, President, 461-1186
- Marisa Mailand, Secretary,
- Matt Pettit, Treasurer,