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2025 Seminars & Upcoming Events

         The 2025 US Aikido seminars by Tasaka shihan will be held in Sacramento,
California on September 19~21,  and Milwaukee, Wisconsin in September 26~28, 2025. 
Mitsuo Tasaka shihan, 7th dan, Kumano Jyuku Dojo Dojo-cho, Shingu, Wakayama ken, Japan

Those who are interested in Tasaka shihan's seminars, please contact Helena.Aikido@gmail.com

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     Tasaka Dojo-cho is 7th dan in Aikido and 5th dan in Masakatsu Bo-jyutsu.  At present, he is the only one authorized to teach Aikido founder, Ueshiba Morihei O-sensei’s long staff, Bojyutsu (outside of Ueshiba family).  Tasaka Dojo-cho started Aikido in 1972 under Hikitsuchi Michio sensei, 10th dan.  Hikitsuchi sensei was a very close student of O-sensei who built O-sensei’s dojo in Shingu, Wakayama ken with O-sensei’s directive in 1953.  Kumano Jyuku Dojo is located at Shingu, Wakayama ken nestled in the three sacred grand shrines of Kumano: Kumano Hongu Taisha, Kumano Hayatama Taisha and Kumano Nachi Taisha.  These grand shrines are 20~40 km apart, connected by the famous Nakahechi: Kumano old core trail of the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage network over 1000 years of history.

     O-sensei's Aikido has been passed down throughout the world to this day.  Hikitsuchi sensei with his Shinto priest background and from his close relationship with O-sensei, had continued and passed down true to O-sensei’s spiritual foundation of the art and principles expressed in his lineage of Aikido. 

     Tasaka Dojo-cho has accompanied Hikitsuchi sensei countless occasions from 1978 to assist teach, demonstrate and conduct his own international seminars annually to share O-sensei and Hikitsuchi sensei’s Aikido throughout the world. This US tour is one of the annual series he started over 21 years ago.